Gallery - 2009 Land Rover Wheels Event




With the hill descent out of the way we head off to the next obstacle, the "ski jump"...

Again, a little instruction and guidance from Dave Lovelock was required. With the little drizzle we had, the trail got a little slick but nothing serious. You could sense a little apprehension run through the group as everyone stood at the top of the hill listening to Dave (and peering past him to see the trail drop down) but as a true leader, Dave demonstrated the line and technique required to descend the skip jump but not before he whispered to the photographer, "I hope I don't mess this up and freak everyone right out!".

Needless to say, Dave showed perfect technique and all worries were put aside...until the first truck came down. Trevor (a Land Rover customer and now club member) in his Range Rover Sport was the first to tackle the ski jump and things got a "little" squirrely. The rear end of his RRS got a bit sideways and his truck went for a bit of a slide almost giving everyone a clear view of why this section was called "ski jump".

Ok, who's next??