Vehicle Shipping

Started by JohnnyO, April 01, 2018, 08:36 AM

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Hey guys, after laying low with a Jeep Rubicon ::) for a couple of years I'm looking forward to getting back into a Defender.  I found a 90 in Ontario and I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a shipping company to transport it to Calgary? Thx.



What would I know? I shipped a 110 from Edmonton to St. Catherine's ON for $1450 via and put it out to bid.

I shipped a Toyota Landcruiser from Yellowknife to Valleyview, AB on an empty backhaul with a large trucking outfit. I waited three months for empty load and the discount $525 bill.

Two ideas there.


There is a car shipping place next door to my work in Ogden called  Hansens not sure on price but I see a lot of wierd and wonderful vehicles in their yard from time to time...
Maybe try them for a quote...