The Brits were onto something

Started by Trevor, November 09, 2016, 05:54 AM

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Brexit appears to not have been the outlier many of the political elite hoped it would be. The British people are part of a larger movement, and to a degree set the tone with their Brexit vote. Cudos to them! The beaten down middle class is stepping up and sticking it to the power elite, the media, and the political apparatus as a whole. Their arrogance is proving to be their undoing. It's truly great to see.

Finally some good news for Alberta too, something it hasn't had in a long time. We've got a president elect that will work with us and get some pipelines built.

"You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves."
― George Orwell, 1984

Freedom Convoy Truckers -- Canadian Heroes!
Justin Trudeau --Enemy of the People!


Once he finishes building the walls, and figuring out what to do with all the undesireables in the states hahahhahahahhah
Cheers, Bill


Quote from: binch on November 09, 2016, 01:08 PM
and figuring out what to do with all the undesireables in the states hahahhahahahhah

Yes, Hitlary and her clan will be dealt with shortly I'm sure  ;D
"You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves."
― George Orwell, 1984

Freedom Convoy Truckers -- Canadian Heroes!
Justin Trudeau --Enemy of the People!


Matt H

Tough talking guy with a plan to restore the fortunes of a forlorn people that only he can achieve.
Ambitions to put ordinary citizens back to work and boost national pride by building up the Military.
Demonizing racial, religious and political minority's and blaming them for the degradation of society.
Diatribes on how the country is being treated unfairly and taken advantage of by other nations. 
Seeking formal prosecution of political rivals.

Am I talking about Donald Trump?

Or Adolf Hitler?
Or Joeseph Starlin?
Or Benito Mussolini?

Or all of the above? Remember, when these other yo-yo's came to power many of their countrymen and others around the world also thought it was a good idea and that finally something new could actually get done instead of the same old stalemate of establishment politics.  Well something got done alright!

I didn't like Hilary Clinton either. But she was less likely to set the world on fire.

My 2c
No Road Except For Land-Rover.


Yup....I agree with you on that one Matt.    Give a guy a bad hair cut and he'll want to rule the world.

He's talked the it's time for the walk.    Remember what he said about Roe vs Wade.......

33 was a good year, 35 not quite as good, but 39 was definitely not what we had in mind. :-\
Cheers, Bill


Hmm, Trump doesn't sound like any of those guys Matt, but then I actually listened to what he said, I didn't get my info from the Hitlary propaganda machine (aka mainstream media). I find the problem many have is that Trump isn't a politician....he speaks plainly and people aren't used to that. They expect the empty drivel of a politician like Hitlary, wherein they can fill in the gaps with their own,subjective, conclusions.

Trump's  a lot like Ralph Klein, and I see the split in supporters (in Alberta at least), similar to that of Klein, for a lot of similar reasons.

If one wants to better understand the US election results, read this, it's a well written article on why Americans voted as they did...

When it's all said and done though the world is a MUCH safer place today. I can say that because I do look at the facts, not the propaganda machine. Hitlary was without question the candidate of war. Obama has pushed us back into a Cold War footing with Russia, Hitlary would have continued that policy and, ultimately, pushed us over the edge (no fly zone in Syria likely the first trigger...with the Russians already operating there at the invite of the Syrian government = direct shooting conflict between the two primary superpowers). The bottom line is both Obama and Hitlary, are believers in the nuclear primacy theory. And I can't support anyone that thinks a nuclear engagement is winnable, or wise. That's Hitlary, not Trump.

It's an easy decision with Hitlary though. Not supporting a racketeer, felon, supporter of a rapist and known child molester (see the Epstein trial and witness records re Bill Clinton) that is Hitlary really is easy path to avoid for me, and one I'm very comfortable with. I only hope that Trump follows through with his promise to appoint a special prosecutor to go after Hitlary. She belongs in jail, nothing less.

"You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves."
― George Orwell, 1984

Freedom Convoy Truckers -- Canadian Heroes!
Justin Trudeau --Enemy of the People!


"You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves."
― George Orwell, 1984

Freedom Convoy Truckers -- Canadian Heroes!
Justin Trudeau --Enemy of the People!


"You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves."
― George Orwell, 1984

Freedom Convoy Truckers -- Canadian Heroes!
Justin Trudeau --Enemy of the People!

Matt H

No Road Except For Land-Rover.


I completely agree with Matt, he might not be one of those leaders but he certainly could be.

Matt H

Really, you can't see any comparisons at all with those infamous dictators, and Trump? Everyone that is not part of the elite 1% wants change. Me included. Unfortunately history has proven that this is often when the world is at its most dangerous as desperate and disillusioned folks, in frustration, throw their support behind men of questionable merit.

Most/all media is partisan and bias in one direction or another. I take all of it with a grain of salt. I don't believe the propaganda from either side has anything but their own interests in mind.

I'm no Hillary Clinton fan, and perhaps she should have been found guilty of the various crimes she is accused of? However the rule of law is enshrined in the US constitution. It's not perfect and is open to corruption of course but anyone that believes in the rule of law must accept the decisions of its agents unless they can prove otherwise. And if you can prove otherwise there are legal mechanisms already in place to hear those arguments. The notion of Trump appointing a "special prosecutor" with a mandate to put her in jail deeply concerning.

As for the unrest in the Middle East. When hasn't there been unrest in the Middle East and proxy wars between the great powers of the world? And while Obama certainly hasn't improved the situation it would be wrong to lay all the blame for the current cluster fÂ¥â,¬k entirely at his door as he inherited most of that mess from his immediate predecessor. 

I'm of the opinion he will not be able to bring most of his BS campaign promises to fruition anyway.

I guess we will just have to wait and see what unfolds?

No Road Except For Land-Rover.


Trump's been widely criticized because he does not have any experience governing, and you know there may be something to that. We elected a substitute teacher/snowboard instructor as our Prime Minister, and that's going just smashingly . Guess you have to hope Trump's business experience counts for something.
"You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves."
― George Orwell, 1984

Freedom Convoy Truckers -- Canadian Heroes!
Justin Trudeau --Enemy of the People!

Matt H

Quote from: Trevor on November 10, 2016, 11:15 AM
We elected a substitute teacher/snowboard instructor as our Prime Minister, and that's going just smashingly .

HaHaHa! Yes. I 100% agree with you there.

No Road Except For Land-Rover.


I'd summarize my position this way Matt. I'm not here to defend Trump...I see him for what he is. I'm not afraid of many of his comments because I take them in the context they are offered. I have also read his books, and his thought processes are well laid out there, and not at all dangerous or nefarious. Heck, his campaign was basically scripted right out of Art of the Deal, a book that came out, what, 25 years ago? He laid out pretty clearly there that the way he approaches a deal is to come out fast, hard, aggressive and even somewhat unbalanced. It puts your adversary on the defensive, which is to your advantage. At the 11th hour, you bring it all down and normalize your approach, and finish the deal. Much like his campaign really. 

But the root of my support doesn't lay with him. It lays with what he awoke. He identified something that many of us working class Joe's were aware of, but few in the political elite saw...and that is a wide spread discord with the corruption that has become the norm with the ruling class. His pledge to shake that up awoke a lot of people, both in the elite and in the general populace.

Now is the time for him to start proving it. I'm not saying it will be easy, or that he will even try for that matter. If it was a false pledge on his part, I do not think he can put the genie back in the bottle. He appears to have awoken a sleeping giant, and that is at the root of it all. The current system (and it's applicable to Canada to a degree) is corrupt to the core. The swamp does need to be drained, and it may even need to be burned down in the process. I'm good with that.

He started that process. I genuinely hope that the American people will insure he sees it through...or throw him out and get someone that will. But at the very least they see now the the corrupt core represented by people like the Clinton's can indeed be shaken.

That's a step, but just the first step. Much more needs to be done. It will be far from easy, but it is the right path. We will see.

Edit: As an aside, Glen Greenwald wrote an excellent article that captures things well. He wrote extensively on Brexit as well. It's worth a read ...
"You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves."
― George Orwell, 1984

Freedom Convoy Truckers -- Canadian Heroes!
Justin Trudeau --Enemy of the People!