Alternator Bracket

Started by Already a Rover, January 08, 2018, 01:34 PM

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Already a Rover

Hi.  I think I posted on this before, but cannot find it. 

I have a S2a with an alternator, but it had been welded and broke.  I re-welded it, and broke again.  As a back-up, I bought a cast-iron bracket from Ivor, but it doesn't fit.  But I did learn that I had installed the bracket incorrectly!  So, I can buy the upgraded bracket from Pangolin for $US80 plus shipping, or find a replacement for the one I had previously, which was not cast, but sheet steel.  I am not sure how to find this, as it must not be a Series part.  Sorry, do not have a pic, as it is still on the truck - seems to work most of the time, but is definitely broken.

All leads appreciated!



For $US80 plus shipping I would take bracket off and make it out of heavier material.  Mine you if you knew I was a welder and on the cheap side, you wouldn't be surprised at this comment.  Most brackets I can think of, are curved with a long slotted hole for tightening the alternator and 1 or 2 fixed holes to mount to bracket to the block.
Or have you got something weird and wonderful?   Can you make the bracket thicker as well as wider?  So for example from 3/16 thick x 1" wide to say5/16 thick x 1 1/2" wide?
I'd love to see this bracket and may be able to give better advice.


Already a Rover

Hi Bruce - it is the bottom bracket.  A little more skill required.  And it is stamped to offset the hole for the alternator from the bolts going into the block, so the belt lines up.

I would rather buy one than make one - I have enough stuff to make for my two electric cars - a '67 Volvo and a 58 Beetle ragtop.



Fair enough and knowing the shop rate for a welding shop buying a new bracket will be cheaper.