Alberta Land Rover Enthusiasts Club Forum

General => Events => Topic started by: binch on February 13, 2015, 11:14 PM

Title: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on February 13, 2015, 11:14 PM
First Wednesday of every month

6pm to 9pm

Edmonton's Irish Centre

12546 126 ST NW Edmonton, AB T5L0X3

(780) 453-2249

(access to the hall is from 127st (one block north of the yellow head) and turn east on 126ave.  You'll see it on the SW corner....

Please mark this down in your calendars and we'll see how this  works out for everyone.
Looking forward to seeing you there ;-)

cheers, Bill
Title: Re: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: KIDD67 on March 20, 2015, 07:11 PM
Roger that
Title: Re: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: B-Red on June 24, 2015, 06:26 AM
The monthly meeting for July is Wednesday July 8. It will revert to the first Wednesday in August.

Happy Canada Day
Title: Re: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Red90 on May 02, 2016, 10:55 AM
Hey Bill....  IIRC, you were saying the 7 pm is later than when most people show up.  Can you clarify and I will update the first post.
Title: Re: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on May 02, 2016, 03:37 PM
Hi John,

A lot of people show up for 630pm, or even earlier, to grab tables, as it's now pool league night too.   They didn't appreciate us dripping dirty motor oil over our turf so we try to book 4 tables and get some butts in them early.    But we say 7pm officially on the notice so that people have a chance to get home and visit with their families.   My thinking was...I didn't want any of the newbies thinking they didn't have time to get home and then there too.   

Does that sound rational????  ahahhahahhahahah   
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: RossM on May 12, 2016, 10:53 AM
Is there a similar group that meets in Calgary?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Red90 on May 12, 2016, 11:28 AM
There are no regular meetings, but if someone wants to start one up, I'm sure it would be popular.  There are just as many members in Calgary as Edmonton.  Traditionally, we have had more wrenching sessions and off road trips in Calgary.
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on May 12, 2016, 09:01 PM
The secret is to find a pub or licensed restaurant where a group of 15 to 30 people can drop in once a month, where the noise level isn't so loud and conducive to good conversation.   "If you build it they will come" ;)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: B-Red on July 07, 2016, 10:47 AM
Great turn out yesterday. Three new visitors. A couple from Vega area. Heavy involvement in Discovery vehicles. Six. So us at the British Field Meet.
The other fellow is Jason's neighbor. Looking at getting a project car.
It was a good night.
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on July 07, 2016, 04:13 PM
Good to hear ;D
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Matt H on July 07, 2016, 11:06 PM
Quote from: B-Red on July 07, 2016, 10:47 AM
The other fellow is Jason's neighbor. Looking at getting a project car.

Wait.....are you suggesting that it's possible to have a Land Rover that isn't a project car?
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on July 08, 2016, 01:40 AM
Quote from: Matt H on July 07, 2016, 11:06 PM
Quote from: B-Red on July 07, 2016, 10:47 AM
The other fellow is Jason's neighbor. Looking at getting a project car.

Wait.....are you suggesting that it's possible to have a Land Rover that isn't a project car?

Is there such a thing  hahhahahhah ;D
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Matt H on July 08, 2016, 05:49 AM
Whatever will they come up with next?  ;D
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: B-Red on June 04, 2017, 11:17 AM
Monthly gathering in Edmonton this Wednesday everybody. Come out and enjoy a summer breeze.
Good opportunity to see who is doing what next weekend.

Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: B-Red on March 31, 2018, 12:36 PM
Good day fellows,

I would like to thank all those who have participated in the process to select a new club meeting place.  In total, we had around 14 participants in the voting. The final selection was based on voting results, children access, gluten free de-alcoholized beer options, The central location was also considered in the final selection. Off course, good drink and menu options were also considered.

I am pleased to announce that our new location is :

Beer Revolution:
11736 104 Ave NW, Edmonton,
Phone:(780) 430-4677

I will be making the reservation on Monday for a group of 20 persons. Look forward to seeing the Edmonton crowd on Wednesday.


Emad El-Zein
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: bumpydormobile on April 02, 2018, 02:07 PM
Hey Gang
The YESS is in desperate need for towels at the shelter. I have bought some and hope that
everyone coming to the meeting on Wednesday can bring some as well. I will deliver them on Thursday after work.  Help a great cause.  Let's fill the Disco.  I'm sure they would be happy to take any food donations you want to make as well. ;)

Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on June 20, 2018, 06:11 PM
WE'VE  MOVED our new haunt ;)

The Edmonton gang has moved one more (and hopefully last time) to....

Rosario's Pub:
11715C - 108 Ave, NW, Edmonton,
Phone: (780) 447-4727,-113.5243068,3a,60y,193.36h,88.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soKDR3f9swP9udS1XKNZNdA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

This is a good local community pub that welcomes families.   Food is good, prices are reasonable and they have lots of space to accommodate us on the first Wednesday of each month ;D

I look forward to seeing your smiling faces there (or at least talking about you while you're not...) ::)

cheers, Bill

Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: rutmaster on June 23, 2018, 05:52 PM
Hopefully this is the last move, if not maybe we should consider approaching one of the Legions (there was some discussion about this at the ABFM)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on March 22, 2020, 09:55 PM

We will play it by ear as to when we can get together again.   In the meantime....I invite everyone to have fun on our forum  ;)

cheers, the ALRE EXECUTIVE
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: B-Red on March 28, 2020, 09:17 AM
Good day fellows. I will be emailing the ALRE list a virtual link for a video conference meeting this Wednesday. Figured we can always catch up in virtual space if we can't meet in person.
Private message me with your email if you are not on the ALRE email list.
Cheers. Emad
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on April 01, 2020, 09:45 PM
Well folks, I popped in to the video "Gathering" this evening and I have to say it was pretty good!   I could hear everyone and I could see everyone....but I don't have a camera and I don't have a mic.  LOL.    But there was a chat window in the lower corner that I was able to dialogue with the 4 other people that made it out there.   Emad, Christian, Mike and John O.    Only thing missing was my plate of pasta and a mug of something cold.

It was pretty good too, being able to listen to different conversations as well.   Now it wasn't the same as having the whole gang there...but it was a good runner up, and I'm hoping we can see more folk out at the next one. 

I popped in the Calgary and Med Hat Video confernces too...but sadly I didn't see anyone there.

Stay safe out there kids...... ;)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Red90 on April 02, 2020, 07:58 AM
What was the purpose of separate conferences? I assumed there was just one.
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: B-Red on April 02, 2020, 10:34 AM
I created the three rooms in case we had a large number. Each room can comfortably support 25 persons. However, spreading 25 over three rooms gives participants more chance and time to talk.
The google hangout platform is free with no time limit.
Zoom is free up to 40 minute time. After that they charge.
Cheers. Emad
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on April 02, 2020, 05:47 PM
Maybe we should just try one room to start and see how that pans out.   It would be nice to see folks from all over our club in one room.   If it does start to get busy maybe we can open a second room there ;)

One good thing about this 'meeting room' set up.    It will prepare me for serious offroading in a new defender.   I'll stay at home and drive the vehicle from my phone all the while participating in an online gathering, from the comfort of my lazy-Boy.    I won't have to get dirty at all then!    LOL
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Red90 on April 02, 2020, 05:54 PM
Bill will need to buy speakers and a mic before next month.
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on April 02, 2020, 10:31 PM
I can hear just fine.   And I'm working on the camera so maybe consider it a blessing that I haven't got a mic hahahahhahahahhahha ;D
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Jay1968 on May 01, 2020, 10:44 PM
are you doing the virtual gathering again for May?

Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: B-Red on May 02, 2020, 05:31 AM
Good day fellows. I will be sending the ZOOM conference invite today to the club email list. If you don't receive club email, pM me here and I will give you the link.
I avoid posting links on public forums due to few intruders incidents with other meetings.

ZOOM is a good tool, Hick, our Parliament is using it to run the country. Look how that is working out ;-)

Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Jay1968 on May 07, 2020, 11:57 PM
darn it, I missed this due to a last minute commitment was looking forward to meeting members of the club.  Hopefully June can be a live event.
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: bumpydormobile on August 04, 2020, 05:04 PM
Just in case anyone missed this in the events page...

Hey Gang
We are going to have a go at a Meeting on Aug 5th. 7pm
It will take place at the Lansdowne Community league.4915-124st  Ideally it will all be outside with safe distancing.  We will order pizza for the group and some rabbit food.  The food will be served by specific individuals wearing proper ppe.
Please RSVP to me at: if you are coming out so we know how much food and soft drinks to order.
Attendees will be required to bring and wear a mask while dishing up inside the hall.
Hope to see you out.

Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on August 05, 2020, 09:56 PM
We had a very good turn out this evening and the weather was spot on too!    And mozzies!!!!!!

Great to see so many faces again ;D
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on October 05, 2020, 09:13 PM
October 7th Gathering . 7pm

It will take place at the Lansdowne Community league.  4915-124st,-113.5405266,15.96z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x53a01f6fee5f6535:0x5b0b8ef3c684655f!8m2!3d53.4869077!4d-113.5454607 (,-113.5405266,15.96z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x53a01f6fee5f6535:0x5b0b8ef3c684655f!8m2!3d53.4869077!4d-113.5454607)

Ideally it will all be outside with safe distancing.  We will order pizza for the group and some rabbit food.  The food will be served by specific individuals wearing proper ppe.

Please PM "Bumpydormobile" if you are coming out so we know how much food and soft drinks to order.
Attendees will be required to bring and wear a mask while dishing up inside the hall.

see you there ;D
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on July 02, 2021, 11:54 PM
Well folks,  Looks like we can start to have our gatherings again.....Whose up for starting things up and having our first gathering for 2021?

I'll check with Rosie's Pub and see that I can reserve some space for Wednesday, July 7th from 6 to 9pm.

I look forward to seeing your smiling faces and hearing what you've been up to  ;D
cheers, Bill
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Red90 on August 03, 2021, 08:09 PM
Rosie's Bar and Grill  (NOT Rosario's)
6258 99 St, Edmonton T6E6C9

Basically it's on the SW corner of Argyll and 99st.
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: lropchan on August 12, 2021, 08:22 AM
The Sherwood Park Radio Club has offered to come out to the September 1, 2021 Edmonton club meeting at Rosies to check radio setups and help find problems, tune antennas, etc. They will be there from about 1800-2000.
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on August 12, 2021, 10:28 PM
Excellent!!!    Great way to get the CB checked and tuned to the antenna ;)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on October 03, 2021, 08:22 PM
October 6th Gathering in Edmonton Area

Hi Gang,

I have been getting questions regarding the Oct Gathering in the Edmonton area......   The short of it is we will be going ahead with the Gathering at:

Rosie's Bar and Grill  (NOT Rosario's)
6258 99 St, Edmonton T6E6C9
(it's basically on the SW corner of Argyll and 99st.

We will likely be sitting upstairs, in the private function room again.

PLEASE NOTE:   As per current regulations folks coming out to Rosie's for the gathering MUST have proof of vaccination (with the second dose being more then 14 days previous) or a recent Negative (clear) covid test.

I look forward to seeing your smiling (but masked) faces out there  ;-)

cheers, Bill

Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on November 03, 2021, 11:38 AM
Greetings all,

Sorry for the late notice folks but Rosie's Bar and Grill is no more so we are having to move again.

We are now holding the Edmonton Area Gatherings at "ROUTE 99" diner

Route 99 Diner
8820 99th Street. NW
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada, T6E 3V2
(780) 432-0968
We will meet between 6pm and 9pm (which is when they close) and they will do their best to sit us close together.   Just let them know you're with the "land rover club"

Cheers, Bill
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on November 27, 2021, 12:09 PM
Hi Gang!  We're going Nomad..... ;)

Looks like we still haven't found a new home for our monthly 'Gathering' for the edmonton area, so let's go nomadic for the time being until we find a new home for our 'Gathering'.     For the upcoming 'Gathering' on Monday, Dec 1, 2021 I'd like to suggest the:

Golden Bird Restaurant
10542 97 St NW,
Edmonton, AB
T5H 2L2

(great vietnamese food, with parking in front, on 97 street, or in the back.)

It sounds like their are a lot of projects going on right now and I'm looking forward to hearing about them.   At our last gathering at the old Rosies there was talk of an ALRE Club xmas dinner.   We'll have to nail that down so we can plot our demise Winking smile

So.....who's going to join me at the Bird on wednesday then?????  The food is great and if you have room left you can try their avocado milkshake (don't knock it 'til you try it)

cheers, Bill
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on January 31, 2022, 07:42 PM
It's that time again....

Now that you all have you tans back from that warm spell it looks like a couple days of normal winter and then back into warm weather again.....

But we're coming up to the first wednesday of the month and it's time for our gathering again.

And it will be at the Golden Bird again, on Wednesday March 02, 2022.  6pm  to 9pm

Golden Bird Restaurant
10542 97 St NW,
Edmonton, AB
T5H 2L2

Lots of parking on the road out front on 97 street, or in the back.)

I'd like to hear from folks, to find out what you've all been up to.   So.....who's going to join me?  Let me know so I can give them a 'heads up' and book some space.

cheers, Bill
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on March 02, 2022, 10:30 PM
We had a great turn out tonite!!!    About 14 people in all give or take.   But we had a good chat about all things land rover.    MF has offered to host the trip planning meeting out at her place (details TBA).   So start thinking of trips, events, activities, etc that our members and their families can get involved with.

cheers, Bill
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on May 03, 2022, 12:07 AM
So...who's coming out for the gathering on Wednesday????   Besides me  ;D
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Gardenome on May 03, 2022, 06:50 AM
I'm thinking about it for sure. Here's hoping I don't forget, get distracted, have a child emergency or some other event to prevent me from coming.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Alex C on May 03, 2022, 07:34 PM
its an oilers home playoff game, so parking at the Golden Bird may be a problem
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on May 03, 2022, 09:17 PM
Never had trouble with parking there before, during their games ;)
Title: Edmonton Monthly Gathering Current Venue
Post by: binch on August 01, 2022, 10:01 PM

Greetings all,

Please note that we will be changing venues for the the August 2023 Gathering in Edmonton, which will be held at:

Edmonton's Irish Centre
12546 126 ST NW
Edmonton, AB T5L0X3
(780) 453-2249

(access to the hall is from 127st (one block north of the yellow head) and turn east on 126ave.   You'll see it on the SW corner....
Please mark this down in your calendars and we'll see how this  works out for everyone.

Looking forward to seeing you there ;-)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Jay1968 on August 12, 2022, 11:50 PM
I keep forgetting  ::)   Sept 7th the next one? 

Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on August 14, 2022, 11:04 PM
Yes, that's correct ;)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on September 01, 2022, 11:48 PM
Greetings all,

We are going to try a different location for the next Edmonton area ALRE GATHERING for September 7th:

Superior Fish & Chips
6 Superior St,
Devon, AB
T9G 1E8

6pm until 8pm

They are the closest thing to a real "chippy" I've found in the Edmonton area and the selection is GREAT!

I know this is a bit out of the way but I think it's a great spot for a bite to eat and there's an Ice cream shop across the road for desert ;-)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on September 08, 2022, 10:26 PM
Looks like Superior Fish n Chips in Devon was a BIG hit!!    Even had folks coming from the far NE of Edmonton.   The only was bit astounded by all the bodies that showed up as they are a pretty quiet shop.  The owner was one of the original owner of Brits F&C back when it first started up and he's still making them that way.   But his menu would make anyone from the far side of the pond proud.

cheers, Bill
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Alex C on September 10, 2022, 10:24 PM
Good fish and chips and brown ale  :P
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on April 03, 2023, 10:10 PM
Edmonton area gathering on Wednesday April 5th.

Superior Fish & Chips
6 Superior St,
Devon, AB
T9G 1E8

6pm until 8pm
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on June 06, 2023, 08:17 AM
Greetings all,   

Thought I'd send out a reminder of the Edmonton area gathering coming up on wednesday evening....

Edmonton area gathering on Wednesday June 7th.

Superior Fish & Chips
6 Superior St,
Devon, AB
T9G 1E8

6pm until 8pm

FYI   Emad has found another potential option for our gatherings, located in Edmonton just off the yellowhead at 127st.   I would like to get your input on this and see what you think.   But for now we are still at superior F& come on out with you landies and let's chat about it  ;)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on July 04, 2023, 11:58 PM
For July 5th gathering we will be at Superior Fish n Chips again......

See you tomorrow :-)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on July 27, 2023, 12:34 AM
Greetings all,

Please note that we will be changing venues for the the August 2023 Gathering in Edmonton, which will be held at:

Edmonton's Irish Centre
12546 126 ST NW
Edmonton, AB T5L0X3
(780) 453-2249

(access to the hall is from 127st (one block north of the yellow head) and turn east on 126ave.   You'll see it on the SW corner....
Please mark this down in your calendars and we'll see how this  works out for everyone.

Looking forward to seeing you there ;-)

ps..if anyone has the ability could you please post this info on the ALRE facebook page

Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: B-Red on August 02, 2023, 09:34 PM
Had a great time at the event tonight. Good to connect with the fellows. The cheese burger was excellent. Not a bad place.
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: camo388 on September 01, 2023, 10:32 PM
Are we at Irish Club again for September 6th meeting?   It isn't that far away.
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: Chris on September 03, 2023, 06:47 PM
I asked Bill yesterday, he said yes we were meeting there for the 6th.
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on September 04, 2023, 06:30 PM
LOL....thanks Chris  ;)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on October 03, 2023, 05:21 PM
REMINDER - Gathering in the Edmonton area at the Irish Social Club tomorrow (wed, Oct 4th, 2023 6-8pm)

Looking foward to seeing you there ;)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on October 30, 2023, 06:04 PM
Reminder for this wednesday evneingGreetings all,

November 1st 2023 (6pm to 9pm)Gathering in Edm which will be held at:

Edmonton's Irish Centre

12546 126 ST NW Edmonton, AB T5L0X3

(780) 453-2249

(access to the hall is from 127st (one block north of the yellow head) and turn east on 126ave.   You'll see it on the SW corner....

Please mark this down in your calendars and we'll see how this  works out for everyone.
Looking forward to seeing you there ;-)

ps.....if you have the ability.....can someone please post this on facebook too?

cheers, Bill
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on December 06, 2023, 08:34 AM
Greetings all,

Sorry for the late reminder for the edmonton area 'GATHERING' but we just got back from "Jolly Old" last night

Wednesday, December (6pm to 9pm) Gathering in Edm will be held at:

Edmonton's Irish Centre
12546 126 ST NW Edmonton, AB T5L0X3
(780) 453-2249,-113.5409978,18z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x53a023f32a8a46d5:0x8be92fb9d66d5541!8m2!3d53.5821533!4d-113.5398025!16s%2Fg%2F1thsflyk?entry=ttu (,-113.5409978,18z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x53a023f32a8a46d5:0x8be92fb9d66d5541!8m2!3d53.5821533!4d-113.5398025!16s%2Fg%2F1thsflyk?entry=ttu)

(access to the hall is from 127st (one block north of the yellow head) and turn east on 126ave.   You'll see it on the SW corner....

Looking forward to seeing you there ;-)

ps.....if you have the ability.....can someone please post this on facebook too?

cheers, Bill
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: camo388 on December 26, 2023, 10:09 PM
 Has it been decided if we are having a meeting on 3rd?
If yes, I assume Irish club again?

Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on December 27, 2023, 02:45 AM
As far as I'm aware the Irish Social Club will be open and usual on January 3rd  ;-)

cheers, Bill
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on February 06, 2024, 10:34 PM

Sorry folks, but the Irish Social Club is temporarily closed due to Road Works in their area.

In the meantime we are going hold the February Monthly Edmonton area ALRE GATHERING for February 7th at:

Superior Fish & Chips
6 Superior St,
Devon, AB
T9G 1E8

6pm until 8pm

I have been hearing some interesting options for club trips this year and I'd love to chat with you about them, and get your feed back.  Hope to see you at Superior Fish and chips.   
Once the road works are completed we'll likely move back to the Irish Social Club and I'll let you know when it's open again ;-)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on February 28, 2024, 11:29 AM
Greetings all,

Irish Social & Sports club has had a water main break with subsequent flooding back in January.  They have just had their damage assessment completed and are now organizing a restoration contractor. you can imagine they are still closed for the foreseeable future.    We will return there once we receive notice that they are open again.

In the meantime we are going to hold the March 6th Edmonton area ALRE GATHERING at:

Superior Fish & Chips
6 Superior St,
Devon, AB
T9G 1E8

6pm until 8pm

Chris's Jan 13 trip to the Ghost falls had a bit of a glitch in that mother nature decided to give us a cold snap that weekend.   But undeterred, the trip was rescheduled for the following weekend, and by the sounds of it they had a brilliant day out!!!   There was a D90, LR3, two new Defenders and if I'm not mistaken a jeep tagged along with the group.   
Chris is organizing another trip Late March to Ruby falls.  It's a has a couple of options to it so you have to go to the events section of our forum for more details www. .   I also see that Damian is proposing a trip to Kakwa Falls (Grand Prairie area) this summer, and he's looking for interest.   Again...for details check the events section in the forum  www.

So....I'm looking forward to catching up with people and learning more of what interesting options for club /events & trips people are organizing for this year.   I'd love to chat with you about them, and get your feedback.   Hope to see you at Superior Fish and chips.     

Cheers, Bill
ALRE's chief grunt & bottle washer
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: camo388 on March 24, 2024, 02:30 PM
Is there a change from Superior Fish & Chips for April's meeting?  Meeting is coming up in 10 days.
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on March 25, 2024, 12:12 AM
Yeah, Sure!    Let's go for fish n chips in Devon again.    Best onion rings around ;-)
Title: Re: Edmonton Monthly Gathering
Post by: binch on May 31, 2024, 10:50 PM

In case you haven't heard the Irish Club has OPENED again after their water damage to the building back in February.   

So...... here's your Reminder for the monthly edmonton area GATHERING this wednesday (June 5th)

6pm to 9pm which will be held at:

Edmonton's Irish Centre

12546 126 ST NW Edmonton, AB T5L0X3

(780) 453-2249

(access to the hall is from 127st (one block north of the yellow head) and turn east on 126ave.  You'll see it on the SW corner....

Please mark this down in your calendars and we'll see how this  works out for everyone.
Looking forward to seeing you there ;-)

ps.....if you have the ability.....can someone please post this on facebook too?

cheers, Bill